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Texas Stork’s Bill (Erodium texanum)

Patch of Erodium texanum, also known as Texas filaree, Texas stork's bill, or heronbill,on green backgroundClick to buy this image on ADOBE STOCK

Texas Stork’s Bill (Erodium texanum)


Texas storks-bill (Erodium texanum) or filaree is a low-growing plant. Its long-stalked, oval leaves, with three rounded lobes, form an initial rosette close to the ground. From this rosette, horizontal stems extend to 15 in. The purple, five-petaled flowers bloom in clusters of two to three, opening late in the day and closing in the morning, except on cloudy days. Prominent yellow anthers contribute to the showy character.

Texas Stork’s Bill blossoms are sensitive to light, opening late in the day and closing in the morning, except when it is cloudy. Beaks on the seed pods resemble storks’ bills; thus the common name. During low humidity the tip coils, but straightens again when the humidity is high. In this way, the seeds are dispersed.



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For more information on wildflowers check out the following books.

Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide

Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification

Buy Texas Wildflower Seeds

More photos of the Texas Stork’s Bill (Erodium texanum) Flowers

Rare White Texas Stork's Bill Flower Patch of Erodium texanum, also known as Texas filaree, Texas stork's bill, or heronbill,on green background





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