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Texas Bindweed (Convolvulus equitans)
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Texas Bindweed
(Convolvulus equitans)
Texas Bindweed belongs to the Morning Glory family and is an aggressive vine. The stalk is hairy and the leaves are smooth and resemble fantastic arrowheads. The flowers’ color falls on a spectrum of white to pink. The center is often red but not always. It grows close ground among the local grasses. It can be most easily seen when it blooms. It prefers to grow in rocky, sandy or leaky soil. It is widely adapted to the south and grows in every region of Texas with the exception of the Piney Woods of East Texas.
The leaves and stalk are eaten by deer while the large seeds are eaten by wild birds such as turkeys and quail. This plant is an indicator of the health of unworked soil. The presence of Texas Bindweed is sometimes used as an assurance that land will be adequate to support the grazing of farm animals as its presence says that the current animal numbers are below carrying capacity.
Texas Bindweed is often confused with field Bindweed which spread by rhizomes and grows in dense colonies. Texas Bindweed does neither.
There are no known medicinal uses from Texas Bindweed.
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For more information on wildflowers check out the following books.
Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide
Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification
Buy Texas Wildflower Seeds
More photos of the Texas Bindweed
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