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Texas Spiderwort Flower ( Tradescantia humilis Rose )
The Texas Spiderwort is a native plant to the State of Texas and is currently only known to exist in the State of Texas. There is not a lot of information available on this beautiful flower. If you have information about this flower that you would like to add to this page, please use the comment form below to submit your suggestions.
Personally, I think Texas Spiderwort is one of the most beautiful wildflowers in Texas. I look forward to seeing it every year. From personal observations, it is a very delicate flower that prefers darker shaded areas and the mild temperatures of early spring in Texas. Texas Spiderwort only blooms in my region of Central Texas from March to April. The flowers are very short-lived and cannot tolerate heat. They bloom in the early morning and be wilt as soon as the sun temperatures start getting warm, but will stay open all day on cool cloudy days. If you are lucky enough to find one, you had better enjoy it because it will not be there long.
There are no scientifically recorded uses for the Texas Spiderwort that I can find. In my own observations, I have seen certain types of insects on the flowers such as this Hoverfly, which is commonly found on them.
Photos Captured with the following equipment:
Sony Alpha a6500 Mirrorless Digital Camera
Sony FE 90mm f/2.8-22 Macro G OSS Prime Lens
For more information on the Texas wildflowers, check out the following books.
Wildflowers of Texas
Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide
Wild Edible Plants of Texas
More Photos of the Texas Spiderwort
That is great. It is always good to remember that a weed is just a plant that is in the wrong place.
Thought these were weeds as I didn’t plant them, but when they started blooming a beautiful blue flower that smelled so nice, I tealized they were wild flowers!
Hi. Thank you for your comment. It is great to hear these beautiful flowers can be found that far North.
Most definitely I have this plant in my garden in Victoria, BC, Canada. As well I have seen it in Butchart Gardens.
In my garden it is growing in a semi-shaded – part sun area. It has survived through the drought conditions that we have had in Victoria for the past three summers.