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Texas Engelmann Daisy ( Engelmannia peristenia )
Texas Engelmann Daisy ( Engelmannia peristenia )
This daisy is native to Texas and much of the southern part of the United States. Its native distribution is from Arizona to Arkansas. It is heat and drought tolerant and grows in a wide variety of soils. In Texas, it blooms from March through November if the condition is right. Growing up to two feet tall, the Engelmann Daisy is a stout little plant that provides and a good source of pollen for honey bees and other pollinators. It is also a food source for herbivorous animals such as deer and rabbits.
The plant is very high in protein, reaches up to 25% in early spring. Because of its high protein content, domestic grazing animals such as beef cattle, goats, and sheep find it very palatable. For this reason, some ranchers plant it as forage for livestock. The Engelmann Daisy also has a GOOD rating for erosion control by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department because of its erosion index of 5.24.
It is possible to extract dye from the plant for use in dying clothes and other crafts. The process for extract dye from this and many other plants can be found in the book “Edible and Useful Plants of Texas and the Southwest“.
For more information on Texas wildflowers, check out the following books.
Wildflowers of Texas
Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide
Wild Edible Plants of Texas
More Pictures of the Engelman Daisy
The pictures on this page were taken in West Central Texas in the Spring of 2010.