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“Rugged Individualism and Self Reliance are the foundation of True Freedom.” – The Jungle Explorer

Welcome to The Jungle Explorer Website.  Here you will find a whole world of interesting content from my travels and adventures around the world. 

Because of my unique life, I have learned many unusual things. Most importantly is the ability to be self-sufficient. My site is about being a self-sufficient independent person. This is what I call being a “Rugged Individualist”. A rugged individualist is a person who is not dependent on “The Safety Net of Civilization” to survive. This is a person with the skill and knowledge to take care of their basic needs to survive without the help of the industrial machine or technology. This basic ideology and these skills have all but vanished in today’s world and that is why I am sharing informative videos, so that you may become a “Rugged Individualist” too!

I produce instructional videos for my site about many different subjects, and while not all of them are specifically about rugged individualism, this ideology is at the foundation of everything I do. I love sharing the things that I enjoy with others, from nature photography to videos on many subjects, such as D.I.Y Projects, Product Reviews, Hunting, Wilderness Survival and much more. Go ahead a look around. There’s lots of stuff for you to see!



D.I.Y Videos!


Simple and Easy D.I.Y videos

Check out my D.I.Y Videos!



Product Reviews


Common sense reviews of the products I use.

Check out my product review Videos!



Guns & Ammo Reviews


Practical use videos on common guns and ammo.

Check out my Guns and Ammo Videos!



Fishing Videos


Exciting Fishing Videos

Check out my Fishing Videos!



Hunting Videos


Exciting Hunting Videos

Check out my Hunting Videos!