Purple groundcherry (Quincula lobata) Native North American Wildflower

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Purple groundcherry (Quincula lobata)

Texas Purple Groundcherry




Purple groundcherry (Quincula lobata)

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Purple Ground Cherry

(Quincula lobata)


This plant is also called the Plains Chinese Lantern due to the look of the seed pod. This plant forms thick mats by the spreading of rhizomes. It flowers from spring to early fall. It is drought-resistant and known to grow in the western half of Kansas.

The Purple Ground Cherry grows mainly in open prairies, waste areas, and barren places and is a member of the nightshade family.

Native Americans make jelly out of the berries. There are no known medicinal uses for the Purple Ground Cherry.



Photos Captured with the following equipment:

Sony Alpha a6500 Mirrorless Digital Camera   Amazon.com button

Sony FE 90mm f/2.8-22 Macro G OSS Prime Lens  Amazon.com button


For more information on the Texas wildflowers, check out the following books.

Wildflowers of Texas

Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide

Wild Edible Plants of Texas

More photos of the Purple groundcherry

Purple groundcherry (Quincula lobata)


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