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Texas Rain Lilly (Cooperia pedunculata)
Hang around the dry desert of Texas long enough and might get lucky enough to see the Texas Rain Lilly. This is one flower that has earned the name people call it because you are never going to see this flower unless it has rained. And I am not talking about a late afternoon shower here. No, I am talking about a real downpour of maybe three to four inches. The amazing thing about the Texas Rain Lilly is how fast it shows up after a hard rain. It is almost as if they materialize out of nowhere. You find them blooming in a place you walked and bone dry ground just the day before.
The Texas Rain Lilly is found mostly in Texas, its range also includes Louisiana and Northern Mexico. It goes by several local names which include, Hill Country Rain Lily, Prairie Lily, Rain Lily, Flor De Mayo, and Rainlilly. I have not been able to find a lot of data about its benefits and uses, other than it is toxic and may cause blindness and sensitivity to sunlight in ruminants like cattle and deer.
For more information on Texas wildflowers, check out the following books.
Wildflowers of Texas
Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide
Wild Edible Plants of Texas
More Photos of the Rain Lilly