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Rican Masked Tree Frog (Smilisca phaeota)
While on a recent trip to the Central American country of Costa Rica, I got to visit the Manuel Antonio National Park. While there I had the opportunity to capture some excellent photographs of several native types of frogs and lizards. This beautiful Masked Tree frog is just one of the many cool animals that I saw there. If you are ever in Costa Rica, I highly recommend you visit this park.
The Masked Tree Frog is an arboreal amphibian that lives in the Central American rainforest of Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua. It is also found in jungles Colombia and Ecuador. It is an insectivore that is believed to feed primarily on arthropods. One of the unique characteristics of this frog is that it changes color from day to night. During the day (as in this photo) it is tan, but at night it shifts color to green. The Masked Tree Frog is one of the largest hylid frogs in Costa Rica growing to over 3 inches in length.
New Granada cross-banded tree frog is the more official name for Smilisca phaeota, but it is more commonly called the Masked Tree Frog.
Photo Captured with the following equipment:
1. Nikon 20-60x82mm Prostaff Spoting scope with Smartphone Adaptor
2. Samsung Smartphone
For more information about the Masked Tree Frog and other amazing amphibians, check out these resources below.