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REVIEW: GordVE Mini F9 Sports DV Camera. Unboxing, Testing and Comparison. Live Action Footage!
In this video I take another look at this Mini F9 flashlight bullet style action camera. A couple of years ago I bought an identical lookng unit from the PowerLead company and did not have a great experience with that camera,. I thought that after two years, maybe the camera had improved and this unit from the GordVE company had pretty decent reviews and Amazon, so I decided to try it out. In this video I take a good look at the cameras Pros and Cons and give you a good run down of what you can expect out of this camera. I took this camera on a two day dove hunt and attached it to the barrel of my 12 ga shotgun with my Universal barrel Mount ( ). I captured some awesome footage during the hunt that demonstrate the usefulness of this style of camera. I also do side by side comparison with my head mounted SJcam SJ7 Star action camera.