Review: Bersa Thunder 9. One sweet 9mm!

When Obama first got elected, I was pretty sure that the return of the Clinton 10 round mag limitation was not to far behind.  A had a little extra cash, but not a lot.  I went to the gun store to find me a budget full size high capacity 9mm pistol.  When I first saw the Bersa Thunder 9, I really liked the look of it, but I did not recognize the manufacturer, so I kept looking.  I kept coming back to it though, drawn like a magnet to it.  The store was only asking $249 for it and every other high capacity 9mm pistol was over $400 and out of my range at the time.  Finally, I asked the store owner about it.  When he told me that Bersa was an Argentina manufacturer that made weapons for the Argentinian military, I started to feel a little better.  So I asked to hold the Thunder 9 and that is when I fell in love.  I knew right then that I was going to buy it, and I did.  I have shot a lot of pistols since that day, but the Bersa Thunder 9 is still my favorite 9mm.  Sometimes you really can get something great for not that much money and the Bersa Thunder 9 was that buy for me.  

In this video I talk about this sweet 9mm and the reasons I like it.  

Here is a list of the products used in the making of this video.