Fishing for Texas Freshwater Drum

There are those days when the stars just line up and you can catch fish as fast as you throw your line in.  This video was shot on one of those days.  In this video I took my family up the Leon River to the conservation dam which is upstream from Lake Leon in Eastland County, Texas.  I was thinking we might get into some crappie fishing, but we found was a school of hungry freshwater drum willing to take our crappie jigs as fast as we could throw them in.  I only show a small portion of all the fish we caught in the video, but needless to say; we had a BLAST!  I highly recommend a trip up there if you get the chance.  Even if the fishing is not the good, the scenery on along that stretch of the Leon river is well worth the trip.


Here is a list of the equipment used and seen in this video.